photovoltaic panels or modules are undoubtedly among the best devices for sustainable energy for the needs of electricity in your home. There are many different types of photovoltaic panels, which differ chemically and physically. Other modes also differs in some others. Despite all these developments, the most popular and still the best compromise for cost and performance for your home seems to be the mono crystalline silicon modules, to be followed closely followed by poly (or multi) crystallineRibbon silicon modules.
The first is the one with the highest efficiency is the most expensive of the lot. It so happens that this is the best mass production of solar modules worldwide, thus reducing production costs in recent years. Consequently, there are hundreds of thousands of makes and models on the market.
How do you filter more suitable for single crystal silicon solar modules for installation? There are at least seven major aspectsdeepen. These are;
Connections and terminations
Size and weight
Performance characteristic curves
Warranty and specific de-rating life
The specification should be;
the type of solar cells and their physical properties.
The number of cells and how they are connected
Typical nominal output voltage DC
Maximum voltageDC
Beam Size (height x width x thickness)
Construction details
The thickness of the glass front
% Cell Efficiency
The performance of the module depends on and varies between different parameters, for reasons of environmental protection and use of variations. Therefore, as in other machines there are tolerances, you can and should operate within it. Some of the most important;
Ave size of the module can stand againstStandard wind speed
Continued tolerance on wind speed
This series is one of the most important data to assess the suitability of photovoltaic modules for specific needs.
Power (Pm) on Watt
Rated current (In) in Amperes
Rated voltage (V m) in volts
short-circuit current (Isc) in amperes
Open circuit voltage (Voc) Volts
Working pressure rating (STC)
The electrical connections and cablesTerminations
Characteristic curves
A reputable manufacturers offer the electrical performance of photovoltaic modules in a graphical form. These data obtained performance curve) test against a measured frequency of solar energy (as 1000W / m2) and a temperature-controlled environment (for example, 25 0C
Size of photovoltaic modules, together with their weight are very critical when it is installed, for example on roofs, ceilings andSupport structures. Another important fact is that the space available may be insufficient for the total number of modules to load a specific building is required depending on the size of the module. It 'also important to note that the metal structure of the non-material, and as galvanic corrosion.
Even a reliable product requires a minimum guarantee against manufacturing defects. It's your sure protection against a major investment. Althoughis good for an owner of a renewable energy source for his country to understand what they can expect from a particular installation of PV panels is concerned, it is always important to let the professionals handle the design, equipment selection, installation, commissioning etc.