Saving Energy – Phantom Loads Are a Menace

by hallxxjordan on วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Saving Energy – Phantom Loads Are a Menace

Saving Energy – Phantom Loads Are a Menace

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 12:00 AM PST

I am not sure where the term phantom loads comes from. I saw the term used someplace and have subsequently adopted it as my own. My dictionary describes a phantom as something that exists only in appearance. Phantom loads refer to the small electrical loads that exist in most households and just about every place electricity is used.

What Produces A Phantom Load?

If you have a television set, a VCR, a DVD player, a stereo and many similar electrical devices you have phantom loads present. Each of these uses a small transformer to provide enough electricity to allow a remote control to turn the device on. It does not amount to a whole lot of power, only around 4 watts, but when added together they can use a larger cumulative amount of electricity.

How Much Is Too Much?

Besides the devices mentioned above, there are a whole lot more, garage door openers, electric clocks, microwaves, ovens or any appliance with clocks, cordless phones, and even the newer washing machines. My satellite receiver, if just plugged in, actually pulls 35 watts just sitting there in the off mode. My stereo pulls the same. If I have 8 devices each using 4 watts and 2 that use 35 watts each, that amounts to 100 watts per hour. Multiplied by 24 hours in a day for 30 days a month, that equals 72 KWH (Kilowatt Hours). If I pay 15 cents per KWH to my electric company, that costs me $10.80 per month just to have these devices on and ready for me to use them. If my electric bill is $100 a month. That is 10% of my bill. Computers along with the printer, modem, etc in the standby mode actually pull 30 watts just sitting there. If left it in the standby mode all night long, that is another 15KWH per month.

Why Do I Care?

I live in a solar home. My electricity comes from a solar energy electric system. I look at my usage different than many who use grid power, mainly because my energy is limited. During a normal sunshiny day the average solar electric system expects to receive 6 good hours of charging on average. If I have all the phantom loads on 24 hours a day, it would take almost 2.5 hours for my solar energy system to replace that usage. That is almost 40% of what my 1000 watt system generates.

What Can Be Done To Eliminate Phantom Loads?

I have eliminated all but 3 of these devices from running 24 hours a day, my garage door opener, my cordless phone and my solar controller for my solar water heating system. The rest I have either disconnected or have connected to a plug that can be turned on and off when needed. I can still use the remote when they are on. My microwave has a mechanical timer. (Yes, you can still find them). My TV, satellite receiver, VCR, DVD and stereo are all connected to a switchable plug and are turned on when used and off when not. I do not have any electric clocks or appliances that use them. A clock running on a small battery operates for years and tells the same time.

What’s In It For Us?

If we all just cut our electrical usage by 10%, how many barrels of oil might that save? I can’t think of a better reason than that.

Jim Eddy and his wife live in Northern California in an all solar home. They have designed a web site describing how they use solar energy to provide their energy needs in hopes of inspiring others that they can do the same. They have also included videos on their site to show how they do it. Their web site and videos can be found at

How to Build a Wind Generator – The New Deal

by hallxxjordan on วันเสาร์ที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Build a Wind Generator – The New Deal

How to Build a Wind Generator – The New Deal

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 05:00 AM PST

There are a few overlooked factors when teaching people how to build a wind generator. It’s very important to determine what kind of wind generator you want to build. Is it a large generator that will eliminate your energy bill or a smaller one? These and other questions have to be asked but this article simply asks how to build a wind generator.

Let’s take it from the top. The first thing you’ll need before you do anything is to get an accurate measurement of how fast the wind blows in your area. This is of course an average annual wind speed and you can learn this by doing a quick search on the internet. Do this before learning how to build a wind generator because if your wind speed is lower than 7 miles per hour, then you won’t be producing the right amount of kilo watt hours.

Now, for the actual learning how to build a wind generator part: basically, if you’re trying to build a small wind generator, like most people, you’ll need a few things, but first I need to emphasize how seriously important getting the right plans are. The majority of what you’ll be doing is following simple directions so be sure to get good plans. Also, when I say small wind generator, I mean one that will produce 750-1000 watts, which is a very sufficient amount.

Once you get the plans, you’ll most likely want to order a dc motor. While you wait for the motor you’ll spend a day or two acquiring all the parts you need and making a few. For example, you can make excellent blades out of PVC pipe. I strongly suggest you do that because PVC is perfect for a small wind generator. Then you spend about a day assembling all the parts. It’s really easy actually.

If you want to know how to build a wind generator then look no further than the plans I’ve linked. These are the best I’ve ever worked with because they’re easy to follow and detailed and show you how to build a wind generator for under $200. Very high quality and very revolutionary. Click here for the best small wind generator plans I’ve ever used.

Feel free to use this content for your site, just make sure to include the authors box. Thanks

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

by hallxxjordan on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 03:00 AM PST

Portable generators can be extremely valuable to have and can be used in a variety of ways. They are commonly used by homeowners as an emergency backup power source in case of an outage. They come in handy when electrical outlets are not accessible. Portable generators are popular at campsites, outdoor events, and job sites whenever power is needed. Most generators are powered by gasoline and come with 120-volt outlets, similar to what you would find in a home.

How is a portable generator used? Simply take whatever device, appliance, or tools that you want powered and plug them in to the generator after it’s started. Some generators come with 240-volt outlets to suit washing machines and other larger appliances.

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

The first factor to consider is how much power you will need your portable generator to have. Power is measured in two ways: surge wattage and continuous wattage. Surge wattage, also known as peak power and start up power, is the maximum amount of wattage that a generator has available. This power is used at the start up, or during a time when maximum power is needed to operate an appliance.

On the other hand, continuous wattage refers to how much power output a generator has while operating appliances normally. Surge wattage is only temporary, continuous wattage is what’s used throughout.

The question then is how much wattage will you need to operate what you desire? Do you only want to power tools, or do you want to power your entire home during a power outage? To power most homes on average, a minimum of 5,000 continuous watt generator is necessary to do so.

If you only want a portable generator to take to a campsite, then you can probably get away with one that has around 1000 watts or so. Check each device and appliance you want powered to see how much wattage it requires.

For job sites, you might need a heavy duty generator that has 8000 or more continuous watts. The more watts, the more you can power. However, they are also more expensive as well.

Some generators are more basic, and others have a lot of additional features. These features could include a fuel gauge, hour meter, low oil shutdown, circuit breaker protected outlets, and so on. Some will even come with oil and a funnel to get you started. The more features, the more expensive they will be.

Read More

Why you should consider buying a Yamaha EF2000iS portable generator.

A full review of the All Power America APG3014 portable generator.

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Capture The Flag Tips

by hallxxjordan on วันพุธที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Capture The Flag Tips

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Capture The Flag Tips

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 02:30 AM PST

1000w Generator

Modern Warfare 2 is a game that has a multiplayer function. A game is to capture the flag. Find out what you need to do to improve your chances of winning this game should.

A sort of game you can play and Capture the Flag. It 's like a game you want to play outside with friends, but that is in a virtual environment. Discover what you can do to help you win more games of Capture the Flag in Modern Warfare 2

You must have a team of seriesPeople you know. This is necessary to win. This is very important because you can play your strategy so that, after verifying that you have the advantage, in this way.

Have your plan ready before the game. You must be a specific group for your flag and a group that would capture the flag, are awake.

The attacking team does not have it all together, but must respect. You take the hit when running back. This can be done with aShield. The others are covered, while someone else grabs the flag.

Use voice chat. This will help you communicate better and faster. Voice-chat, you can not have to go in and you can help your coordination efforts.

It is recommended that a leader who understands the game. Him or her to make decisions, while all others will follow. This is more effective than fighting. Follow the instructions as he or she is following the plan that you all agreeup.

Not only to capture the flag. This is a bad strategy. You will be taken soon. Do not pick up the flag, even if you think you are alone. Wait for your team. They move together. The game will be more effective if you do things together.

How to produce electricity from the wind? By creating a simple home-Yourself Wind Turbine

by hallxxjordan on วันอังคารที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to produce electricity from the wind? By creating a simple home-Yourself Wind Turbine

How to produce electricity from the wind? By creating a simple home-Yourself Wind Turbine

Posted: 25 Jan 2011 01:30 AM PST

1000w Generator

How to produce electricity from the wind? A lot of people are starting to realize that actually make their own electricity with wind. The wind is just one of the natural ways to generate electricity, and if you know how to make wind power, and thousands of dollars, you save the electricity bill to do, then here are some tips that you might find useful.

When it comes to producing electricity from wind power your home, generally have two options that youPick:

OR commercial residential wind turbines
Or simple homemade wind turbine

The first will be produced and assembled by a commercial company. A 1000W model which is suitable for a family of average size of 2 adults and 2 children for expenses up to $ 4000 and up, but that still does not include installation costs.

A practical, such as generating electricity from wind is doing, building your own wind turbine. This task can be dauntingtoo many, but can be surprisingly easy to do, not to mention the cost of this alternative to commercial turbine to build only about $ 150 to $ 200.

However, the construction of a model home in itself without adequate knowledge of how to bake a cake without a prescription. It 'so important that the first step, you must take to get a good guide to DIY buy for you the basic knowledge of how an average person can buy to build a homemade wind turbine.

Most of the instructions are simple and do it yourselfvery easy to understand, but you should go through the instructions at least once to familiarize yourself with the task.

Turn Off Lights When You Leave a Room – It Always Saves You More

by hallxxjordan on วันเสาร์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Turn Off Lights When You Leave a Room – It Always Saves You More

Turn Off Lights When You Leave a Room – It Always Saves You More

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 01:00 PM PST

Is it better to turn a light off every time you leave a room, or leave it on if you’ll be coming back to the room shortly?

If you’re into energy conservation, or trying to cut your home energy bills, you have probably asked yourself this question. And chances are you have accepted the conventional wisdom, that it is better to leave the light on for short periods, than turn it off, then on again.

In this case, the conventional wisdom is dead wrong.

Here is how the argument goes: When you first power a light on, it will use as much as five (or fifteen) minutes of the regular consumption of the bulb, within the first second. So if a three-year-old flicks the switch continuously for a minute, on or off every second, they are actually burning 5 minutes worth of electricity every other second (30 times in one minute). That works out to 30 x 5 minutes, or 150 minutes, worth of electricity in that one minute.

It is fairly easy to prove that this is impossible. Let’s assume the toddler is turning on and off a 100 watt bulb. Over the course of that one minute, if we assume that turning the bulb on uses 5 minutes worth of the typical consumption of the bulb, we have used 150 minutes worth of electricity at 100 watts.

Now, 150 minutes worth of electricity at 100 watts is the same amount of power as 1 minute of electricity at 15,000 watts. And since the light was turned on and off over the course of one minute, it means that if our assumption about the size of the initial power surge is correct, during that one minute the light bulb behaved as if it were burning 15,000 watts continuously.

If you studied electricity at all in high school, you probably remember the formula: Watts = Amps X Volts. In this case, we know both the Watts and the Volts so we can take this equation:

15,000 (Watts) = Amps X 110 (Volts)

(I am assuming the toddler lives in the Americas, where voltage is typically 110). To resolve Amps, we can divide both sides by 110 so we get:

15,000 / 110 = Amps

In other words, Amps = 136.

Now I don’t know about your house, but mine is certainly not going to be able to handle a 136 amp current on one light for a whole minute, since the whole house has a power supply of just 100 amps. And my circuit breakers are all 15 or 30 amp breakers – which means they trip off when the power surges to much more than their rated amperage of 15 or 30 amps. So that toddler turning the light on every other second for a minute, yielding a 136 amp draw, would blow the circuit breaker for the circuit the light is on, and possibly blow the main circuit breaker for the house.

It is true that there is a power surge when you power a light bulb on. But the surge is for less than a second – it is actually a tiny fraction of a second. And the amount of the surge is far smaller than the touted 5 minutes of normal use of the light.

All right, you say, but won’t the light burn out if I keep flicking it on and off?

Yes, it will burn out faster. I’ve seen my own kids blow a light bulb with the on-off trick – especially if they do it repeatedly for a minute or more, and the bulb was old to start with.

But even if each time you turn a light on you shorten its life by an hour – and the figure is probably far lower than that – you will still save energy and money if you turn off lights whenever you leave a room.

Again, consider the lowly incandescent. You can buy a cheap 100 watt bulb for around 25 cents and it lasts about 1,000 hours. They burn 0.1 kilowatt hours each hour they are on. If we assume we burn a bulb out in 1,000 on-off cycles, and electricity costs us 10 cents a kilowatt hour, that means it costs us 1 cent to run the bulb for one hour (100 watts = 0.1 kilowatt, X 10 cents = 1 cent).

So, every time you turn a bulb off (which means you will later have to turn it on) you are using 1/1000 of the $0.25 you paid for the bulb, or 0.05 of a cent (that’s $0.0005!)

And every time you turn a bulb off for five minutes you are saving 5/60 of the $0.01 it costs to run the bulb for an hour, or 0.16 of a cent.

So you actually save over three times as much by turning the light off for five minutes, as you would by extending the bulb life by leaving it on. And my assumption that it takes an hour of the life of the bulb each time you turn it on is probably a big over-estimate. It was just to prove a point.

There is one other flaw with the leave-the-light-on conventional wisdom: it fails to take into account what happens when we get distracted.

You step out of a room for a couple of minutes to do something else, and you leave the light on because you know you will be back soon. But you get distracted – a knock at the door, a phone call, you suddenly remember an errand you have to run – and half an hour or several hours later, you discover the light you had left on. The worst is when the light is in a seldom-used room – furnace room or a guest bedroom – and you don’t remember to go back and turn the light off. Days later you discover it is still on. One distraction like that can cost you far more than the cost of one hour of the operating life of the bulb.

So make it your philosophy to turn off lights. Not only will you save electricity when you turn off lights, and save money overall, but it will remind you to be an energy saver in other ways. And you will be setting a visible example to others, who will become more conservation conscious as well.

Robin Green runs, a website dedicated to helping people save energy on heating, cooling, lighting, and other energy uses in their homes. There you’ll find free ideas on energy efficient lighting as well as more on turning off lights to save energy.

Today’s Renewable Energy Lingo

by hallxxjordan on วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Today’s Renewable Energy Lingo

Today’s Renewable Energy Lingo

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:00 AM PST

This is an exciting time for those of us in the energy field. A growing sense of environmental consciousness, along with some very generous State and Federal incentive programs, have made this the perfect time for New Jersey residents and business owners to consider Renewable Energy Systems, specifically by adding solar electric panels to their businesses and homes. For those reasons, getting the word out to our community about the environmental and economic benefits of solar energy has never been easier! We have assembled some terms and “lingo” currently being used within the renewable energy arena.

Glossary of Renewable Energy Terms

Photovoltaic (PV): An array of cells that have the ability to change solar radiation into direct current electricity.

Investment Tax Credit/Grant (ITC): A tax deduction provided to an individual or corporation by the federal government towards the installed cost of a renewable energy system. The current tax credit is set at 30% of the total installed system cost.

Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery System (MACRS): A method of accelerated asset depreciation provided under the United States income tax code. Corporations are permitted to depreciate renewable energy producing assets on a six year timeframe.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC): A tradable certificate which is generated for each 1,000 kilo-watt-hours (kW-hrs) of electricity produced by a grid-connected solar electric system and represents the clean energy benefits generated. Each SREC generated and received by the generator can be sold independently or through a broker to an electric utility provider. The value of each SREC is dependent upon several variables, including the state in which the SREC was generated and the set price of the Solar Alternative Compliance Payment. In New Jersey, the current trading value of one SREC for September 2009 is approximately $650.00.

Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP): A payment that is required by an electric utility provider to a state if the supplier fails to generate the required amount of electricity from a renewable source as defined by the local Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS).

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): A legal agreement between a solar electric producer and a host power purchaser. The PPA provider secures funding for the project, maintains and monitors the energy production, and sells the electricity to the host power purchaser at a contractual price for the term of the contract.

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC): A form of contracting arrangement which provides that the contracting party will design, procure all necessary materials, and construct the project. EPC agreements are the most common forms of contracts in the energy industry.

Net Metering: An electricity policy for an individual, company or corporation who owns a solar electric facility, allowing a no-cost method of effectively banking excess electricity production for future credit creating an offset between a User’s electrical usage and the Photovoltaic (PV) system’s production. The purpose of net metering is to design a system which produces the same amount of electricity as the consumed amount of a user so there is no transfer of electricity from the local grid.

PJM Generation Attributes Tracking System (GATS): An online system maintained by PJM (Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland) Interconnection which is responsible for tracking and recording electrical attributes across a multi state region. GATS acts as a clearing house where renewable energy certificates are recorded, certified and traded amongst various parties including solar electric producers, brokers and electric utility providers.

New Jersey Clean Energy Program (NJCEP): A state funded program which promotes the concepts and technologies of energy efficiency and use of alternate energy sources. The goal of NJCEP is to spur alternate energy development and energy efficiency practices in efforts to reduce the statewide demand and use of nonrenewable energy sources.

Renewable Energy Incentive Program (REIP): A program maintained under the NJCEP, which is designed to provide incentives that reduce the initial cost of installing various alternate energy systems. The REIP is part of New Jersey’s efforts to reach its Energy Master Plan goals of creating 30 percent of its own electrical demand from renewable sources by the year 2020. The program uses financial incentives to system owners, who install qualified clean energy generation systems within the State.

Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS): State policy that requires electric providers in the state to have a minimum percentage of electricity production through renewable sources by a certain date. In New Jersey, the state goal is to generate 22.5 percent of the electrical demand from renewable energy sources by the year 2021. Now is the opportunity to be leader in the growing green energy movement.

By: Thomas A Furey, P.E., LSRP & Joseph P. Colucci of The Entech Group, Inc. for BOMA NJ Progress – 4th Quarter 2009

Wind Generators – Living Off the Grid

by hallxxjordan on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Wind Generators – Living Off the Grid

Wind Generators – Living Off the Grid

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 06:44 AM PST

The most effective start is wind generators for living off the grid. There is no faster way to be up and running with renewable energy for your home. You don’t need to buy one either, there is no need.

You can build a wind generator in only a few days that will rival any store bought model.

After living off the grid for over 15 years and building 3 of our own we know what works and what doesn’t.

What do you need to get started?

· A bit of space to work in – shop, garage or basement maybe.

· Simple tools- jigsaw, wrenches etc.

· Detailed plans for wind generators living off the grid

Before getting started on building your own wind generator you have to order a DC motor. It is used as your power generator unit turned by the blades. It can be delivered right to your door and the detailed plans show you where to get if from. The cost is about $30 and that is the most expensive part.

In fact, you can build your own 1000 watt wind generator for under $150 including the cost of the plans. That’s pretty good considering the cost of a new one is topping $3000.

While you are waiting for your DC motor you can get started on the other parts of the project.

You can use a TV tower for your tower as they are a good height and usually free for the asking. People are switching to satellite TV these days and the used towers are not needed.

Making wind generators living off the grid too is really about balancing the DC motor to the blades. The larger the blades the bigger the motor you need to handle the power output.

Your blades need to be 4 feet long (total 8 foot diameter spin) to produce 1000 watts minimum.

You can use PVC pipe or wood for the blades. They are easily fashioned from the pipe as detailed in the plans.

We like making our blades out of wood because we have our own lumber. Spruce or Cedar or hardwood works great as long as it is clear and straight grain wood. Choose whatever material you can find that will do the job.

The body and tail can be made from recycled material also, metals from old appliances or even stainless steel chimney pipe work well.

When your DC motor comes put everything together as outlined in the plans.

You will feel good about wind generators living off the grid. Watching it spin the very first time producing free electricity for your home is very exhilarating. Isn’t it time you got started on your own?

Living Off The Grid is the best place to start for producing your own free electricity for your home and building your own wind generators and living off the grid.

Our family has been living off the grid since last year, and loving every minute of it. Our very best decision was definitely building wind generators living off the grid for our family and producing free electricity for our home.

DIY Wind Turbine – Steps to build a wind turbine

by hallxxjordan on วันอังคารที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

DIY Wind Turbine – Steps to build a wind turbine

DIY Wind Turbine – Steps to build a wind turbine

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 12:02 AM PST

1000w Generator

If you are planning to build a wind turbine do it yourself "is the first step to make you a good leader with online retailers and plans to start one. You can go green while saving electricity at the same time without buying an expensive wind . You may be required all the materials and plans for less than $ 150.

An average Joe can have its 1000W wind turbine. Why not for themselves? You can even have your family in itand make it a fun family project.

To begin, you must first plan or project. Looking for a good place to be on a normal garage will not work. You have to get no special tools. You can use simple tools that are already working. It would be nice to have a pair of hands.

Make plans to learn what you need for your project. There should be a direct current (DC) motor. This will serve as the generator. Since the leaves ofTurbines rotate, rotate the DC motor, where it would produce electricity.

Order the first engine, it takes several days to do so. This should not cause much delay, because you can use this time to work on other sections. You can fashion the blades of the turbine is already yours. Wood is the preferred material for the blades, especially when making larger machines. But if you decide that you can even PVC.

If you want to work with wood, be sure tostrong, good quality timber. should be your underwear, especially the tips of the position to resist the force of the wind. The design of the knife should not be complicated. Follow simple plan what you say. It is easy enough for you to make your own set in a single day, only with common instruments.

As with the other parties, you may be surprised to learn that you are getting the most of them free. These include batteries, towers, and others in your plans. You can put all the pieces together asOnce your engine. If this is done, is now located in the wind. Set in a place where you can stand 15 meters above a structure 300 meters. Your wind turbine do it yourself "will now be able to produce free electricity.

Homemade Wind Generator

by hallxxjordan on วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Homemade Wind Generator

Homemade Wind Generator

Posted: 09 Jan 2011 11:03 PM PST

1000w Generator

One of the biggest advantages that you can earn from home to build a wind farm is to reduce or even eliminate the electricity bill you. Furthermore, no damage to the environment.

A common question is why buy a generator needs to build a site? What are the advantages of such an arrangement?

The answer is very simple. If you decide to buy a wind generator 1000W, it costs a bit 'more than $ 3000! L 'Amount of money is too high and you will probably need more than 2 years to make a devaluation. We have a research and materials of a wind turbine can be found for like $ 200 less money. To be more specific, he became a DC motor, for example, the cost is that you save about $ 30 in your local store. How to save from the first month of installation rather than two years after a bought one.

Before the construction of a homemade wind generator, make sure thatYou:
Instructions to get a walkthrough on how to make a wind generator. The guide will teach you almost everything you need.

some work space which is enough to build for you.

Tools that every home, like a hammer, jigsaw, wrench, etc.

If the wind turbine is made to find a place to install at home. Preferably, you will need a place, 30 meters higher than any object within a radius of 400 meters around it so much more productivepossible.

Solar Energy – The way forward for the home needs energy

by hallxxjordan on วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Solar Energy – The way forward for the home needs energy

Solar Energy – The way forward for the home needs energy

Posted: 08 Jan 2011 10:02 PM PST

1000w Generator

Your electricity bill, "Sky High"? With summer approaching, we are afraid of the price it will cost you your house cool in summer?

Would it surprise you to know that many homeowners are the sun's energy in an effort to reduce energy costs? What was a futuristic dream is now a present reality.

Solar systems are now accessible to the general public. Depending on your budget, there are many systems to choose from. You can starta small system with one or two of your equipment, or you can go all the power, and a large system that needs all the energy in your home turn.

Solar energy measured in kilowatt hours or kWh. In some measure, a 1000 watt, kilowatt equivalent, so 1 kWh equals 1,000 watts of electricity per hour. Use this formula to the form of energy required (the element amperes) times the voltage (110V or 220V) to use the kWh per month. Thus, an element at 2.2 amps ata 110 volt system will need 220 watts to run or.22kWh.

Now back to the focus on costs, a small solar system that lets your computer and some small electrical appliances can be used is usually run about $ 700. A larger system, which is a kilowatt (kWh), which can reduce energy bills by up to 50% can produce run $ 10,000.

How solar systems? Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is our most powerful light is then absorbed by solar energyDishes. Photovoltaic (PV systems also) related to solar energy systems.

We see things every day that use solar power. Calculators and watches are now powered by photovoltaic systems. The more sophisticated systems can not only produce electricity at home, but can produce enough energy, they also used to provide power for cellular towers.

The solar cells are integrated in the production of solar modules. You may have seen on the roofs of buildings and homes. SeedsScale form silicon photovoltaic cells. When the sun produces solar energy absorbed by the semiconductor and then converted into electricity. panels to increase energy efficiency called "thin film" is

The length of the house and the average amount of electricity consumed, which determines the size of the energy system you need. Make sure you get accurate measurements of the surface area of the house, and several months of electricity bill for the figureaverage energy required.

According to the Department of Energy, the average home uses 920 kWh per month in 2008. The United States has used a whole 4,000 billion kWh per year! That's a lot of energy! Did you know that the sun consumes more energy in one hour around the world in a year?

Although it has become more affordable solar home systems, are still quite an investment. If you can run a house of a medium-sized solar power system as high as $ 40,000. Do not bethese numbers scare you. In the calculation of costs and benefits, a period of time, looking ten to twenty years.

Around the camp, many government with tax incentives and other discounts as an incentive. Make it look like you could, for all programs solar systems have been at home. Some governments are even field by providing funding for solar installations.

In the long run, how people think that electricity bills a thing of the past. In fact, manyThe owners of solar systems in their systems to maximize solar energy, rather than resale.

net metering provides the owner of a solar energy storage system, the ability to sell their excess, unused energy back to their suppliers. You can make your solar system you make money.

Solar energy can be directed to the need of a home on the grid. The cost to run the cables from the electrical network is astronomical.

This makes a solar systeman incredible savings. Remotes are the Third World countries now have a choice to walk instead of a solar-powered electrical lines go.

If most of a solar home system, start first by cutting the amount of energy used at home to get. Make sure that the overall picture, if it is based on the price of investment.

As more people choose to go with solar energy as the main source of energy, we'll see fewer and fewer greenhouse gas emissions globallyHeating, which benefits all.

Tips on buying a bass amp

by hallxxjordan on วันเสาร์ที่ 8 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tips on buying a bass amp

Tips on buying a bass amp

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 07:02 PM PST

1000w Generator

Time for a new amp?

I am often asked for advice buying a bass amp. Although there are many resources online and elsewhere, I'll throw in my thoughts on the subject. We hope to obtain valuable information.

First you need to consider the budget. This problem can greatly impact on your purchases.

You need a better amp soon, or it can wait a while 'until you can afford what you want?

Portability – Transport and mobility areimportant factors to consider. I prefer to take smaller and lighter items such as large, heavy objects, in contrast – been there, done. (If you have always roadies, portability is not a problem for you.)

Sound – This is a very important factor and depends on kinds of styles and techniques that you play. If you have found your (current) sounds like, then check what equipment to use the bass player. Remember, however, as Jaco said: "The sound is, in myMani. "

Solid state, tubes (valves) or a combination of these and other technologies?
The forms are pre-amp your sound and a stand-alone unit. It can also be integrated with an amplifier and / or a speaker. The latter is usually a "combo" called.

Watt – This is a common misconception that the speakers should have more power amp much more than the RMS power. Often the bass player and inexperienced sellers believe that a 150W amplifier combined with 300W Speakeris a good combination, safe and powerful. It is not necessarily so.

Ohm – 150W 8 ohm amp running a 300W 8 ohm speakers run. 80W power – not because of the low. Bass requires freedom. When you press the volume and do not have the ability to distortion and speaker amplifier and damage can be.

My advice: how many watts is unreasonable Get Amp 500W – 800W is not. This also works with a 300W speaker cab to work. Why? Without being technical, here is aAnalogy: A large machine with a V8 engine is purring comfortably at 80MPH, while a small car is half the size of the engine much more difficult to work with the same speed. The loudspeaker is driven very hard with the amp is not small at all with the amp with more space, because the charge amplifier is pushed.

If you are not satisfied, go to your local music store, plug a speaker in a 50W and 500W amplifier to control the bass sound. Then connect an amplifier speaker 100W 1000Wto compare. (Now we're playing again.)

Also check out the sound of 8 ohm speakers, compared with 4 Ohm cabs as well as combinations approved by the manufacturer. As always, let your ears decide. I prefer the more saturated sound speakers 8 ohms.

combinations – EQ graphic equalizer, parametric, semi-parametric or a variety. What suits you? Usually the store employees are aware and supportive.

Compression – The most high-end bass amplifiers have a good compressor. ATouch of compression is not to be overlooked in your sound. All recordings have a degree of compression and the bass is to play a great resource for living. (All my classes are recorded with low compression. Have you noticed? If not, fine.)

If you separate preamplifier, amplifier and speakers Now, you can always combine. This is a great way to reach your final sound. You can try, tube / solid state amp combinations with the speakers and speaker boxes in various sizesand quality.

Many leaders now have the option of mixing tube and solid state preamp. Some do amp simulation (from well known and successful combinations) a. Sun can find out what works best.

My current setup (for the last 14 years) is a head with two 250W power amplifiers, as well as all other shbang DI output control, a good compressor, semi-parametric EQ, shelving (graphic) EQ, headphone jack, tuner and effects in / out and much more.And very important: a tube pre-amp. This makes the amp sound better as it warms. I have both amplifiers in a bridge circuit that gives me 600W RMS 350W RMS into a 2×10 cabinet with a horn attenuateable. The car can handle peaks of up to 800 watts.

A note on the speaker boxes – 2×10 has about the same size as the 1×15 speakers. Therefore, the 2×10 has a similar amount of deep bass as the 1×15, even better, faster, clearer answer, so it is good for 5-string bass.

Although theThe above information may, in depth, is not as deep. Many issues were not mentioned, and I suggest you continue your search.

Bass good luck!

Efficiency of solar modules – do you care?

by hallxxjordan on วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Efficiency of solar modules – do you care?

Efficiency of solar modules – do you care?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:02 PM PST

1000w Generator

Solar panels are by far the most expensive element of an installation of solar panels. Understanding of the characteristics that differentiate a good solar panel is not a bad thing so easy. In several installments, I would write a guide to each of the main criteria to look out for. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible, but it is something that many people ask me, so I think it's a good idea to discuss these issues in depth.

First, I like to discuss solar panelEfficiency. This determines how effective a solar panel to convert sunlight into electricity for a given area. The advantage of having a solar cell is the highest return that you get more power from a small area available. For this reason, high efficiency solar panels is usually a high price for the domestic market, where space is more limited. High efficiency does not necessarily mean better quality or reliability, however – these topics are coveredlater. Not even a higher return means better value, in many cases, lower efficiency panels are used for convenient use in places where space is not as critical.

First of all, how to find the efficiency of a solar cell? It's easy to find out for yourself. Remember that the power of a form of solar energy to visit, where is "standard test conditions." This means that the output is measured when the plate is exposed to a very bright lightwith an intensity of 1000 watts per square meter (1000 W / m2) at a temperature of 25 ° C. This is usually expressed in watts (185W or 230W for example, etc.) and is the power you get when the sun is very strong will. You can then multiply the length and width of the module (which is represented in the data sheet) to access the form. With the power module in watts and the standard test conditions of 1000 W / m 2 to determine the efficiency of the module as follows;

Efficiency = power out / energyin the power module = / (width x length x 1000 W / m2)

to know in evaluating the efficiency solar important that each solar cell with efficiency greater than the total solar panel (or module) through a vacuum. Therefore, make sure you know what value you are looking for.

In general, the solar panels you come across in the UK is silicon (I have previously discussed thin film), so that the discussion is made here to focus on these. The highest efficiencysilicon solar cells available today are effective from 17% to 18%. The efficiency of silicon solar cells, increasing the R & D, but the improvements are incremental and slow, because there are a number of fundamental limitations to increase the efficiency of silicon solar cells that any drastic improvements highly unlikely that the average values near future. Maybe I'll describe these restrictions in another article.

The most important factor that you meet with a yield of the module, is whetherThe form is mono-or multi-crystalline. In English, this means that solar cells are easily made from mono-or multi-crystalline silicon. mono-crystalline solar cell consists of a disc from a single crystal silicon are very pure and very efficient from a number of weaknesses. multi-crystalline solar cells, which contain more crystals are about 1-2% less efficient, but are generally cheaper to produce. Personally I think that makes sense in the rule of using mono-crystalline cellsfor domestic applications, where space is at a premium and multi-crystalline cells in larger installations.

Another factor affecting the efficiency can be anti-reflective coatings. These are becoming more common. Nearly all the solar cells directly texturing them to reflect and now reduces many solar modules come with anti-glare glass. This generally consists of a molded glass that can be seen as a model of stain, if you look closely. Improvinganti-reflective coatings is difficult to determine, although some manufacturers require improvement in production efficiency by more than 5 percent.

When you install a solar system is your goal should always be the best return on investment, which means the maximum power at the lowest price, without risk to reliability and depends on many factors to get along with ' efficiency. There are a number of other technologies on the horizon that might be possible to improve the efficiency of small quantitiesnothing is a drastic change overnight. Rising prices for solar panels continue to decrease rapidly the volume of production (in the same way as many other technical products such as computer memory), but these price decreases will be matched by savings in feed. So do not worry that the installation of modern technologies and solar panel replaced by a miracle tomorrow. are working in the field you better insight into what is on the line.

Inverter – Why do some devices will not run correctly from an Inverter

by hallxxjordan on วันพุธที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Inverter – Why do some devices will not run correctly from an Inverter

Inverter – Why do some devices will not run correctly from an Inverter

Posted: 05 Jan 2011 12:02 AM PST

1000w Generator

To shed light on this problem we need to get a brief understanding of how different devices to power. In practice, the electrical devices into three groups by the way they draw energy or power are distributed by a power source. These groups are resistive, inductive and capacitive. To make a little 'more confusing, some devices can distinguish three types of power!

Resistive loads like incandescent lamps (such as a filament bulb cable) always draw aconstant power in watts from the wall. For example, a 60-watt bulb with 60 watts from the wall at all times. For fairly obvious reasons to resistive loads are by far the simplest device for an inverter as the power in watts, that take is the same and will remain for as long as the device that is running on.

Inductive loads, such as a refrigerator or other device with an electric motor, requiring a great influx of power (surge) for theCommissioning and then runs back tend to move lower and more stable performance for the rest of their operation. Inductive loads contained wire coil weight (such as motors, transformers, chokes, coils, etc.) and when the device is switched on the weight of the coil of wire a wave of current, magnetic field, these devices draw shapes work properly. This magnetic field (or Lux, as is known) is stored as a kind ofEnergy.

The most common are inductive devices, refrigerators, followed by compressors, transformers / chargers, pumps, power tools and fluorescent tubes. the necessary stimulus because these devices can draw power 2-6 times their normal power operation and can be performed to provide a 200 watt refrigerator, you need a 600W or 1000W Power Inverter also in order to function properly.

Please note that some electrical appliances such aslarge refrigerators and air conditioners, which have very high starting current requirements because they have to start the engine at full inductive load. It is strongly recommended that these devices not be used with an inverter as the requirements of current is too high and should be driven by an engine-driven generator.

The capacitive loads as many televisions, computer monitors, amplifiers and other electronic devices need aspike-rush current if not used for a long time. This is usually on these devices with their large power capacitors, which immediately put in charge if the unit is on need. If these electrical devices are not for a couple of days later, the capacitors used in power is slowly, gradually and go slow. You can order these devices, simply by changing the judges work a couple of times the fees until theCapacitors sufficient to activate the device, and should work also continue to operate normally.