Easy to Build Wind Generator

by hallxxjordan on วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Easy to Build Wind Generator

Easy to Build Wind Generator

Posted: 02 Feb 2011 02:20 PM PST

Converting part or all of your home to consume self generated energy as opposed to bought electricity is a great way to save money, as well as boost your property value. Better still, an easy to build wind generator will save you even more money, as you won’t have to fork out for professional installation, which is way overpriced. This article is an overview of wind energy, and points you in the right direction to some of the best wind generator plans and schematics.

A typical Do-It-Yourself wind mill will generate about 1000 watts of power in an area where wind speeds average about 20 miles per hour. If you want to go “all out” and build multiple turbines and maybe a few solar panels (which are also easy to build at home), you can easily power your entire home off free, renewable energy. Think about the money you can save!

As previously stated, making use of both the wind and the sun to produce electricity is the best angle to approach home generated electricity. You might be very surprised at just how effective homemade panels can be. On the financial side of things, a 100 watt solar panel can be made for under US$200!

Of course, even the most savvied DIY expert will most likely need some guidance in attempting such a project. You need to find a guide that will explain the background concepts of how electricity is generated. You also need to know what building materials need to be bought, and where from. There are plenty of instruction guides available online, which are cheap and instantly downloadable. Most of them come with very detailed schematics, photographs, and some even provide video instructions.

To see the best way to set up a free energy generator in your home, go to this Renewable Energy Systems website now for more information about how to build wind generator

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