Efficiency of solar modules – do you care?

by hallxxjordan on วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Efficiency of solar modules – do you care?

Efficiency of solar modules – do you care?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:02 PM PST

1000w Generator

Solar panels are by far the most expensive element of an installation of solar panels. Understanding of the characteristics that differentiate a good solar panel is not a bad thing so easy. In several installments, I would write a guide to each of the main criteria to look out for. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible, but it is something that many people ask me, so I think it's a good idea to discuss these issues in depth.

First, I like to discuss solar panelEfficiency. This determines how effective a solar panel to convert sunlight into electricity for a given area. The advantage of having a solar cell is the highest return that you get more power from a small area available. For this reason, high efficiency solar panels is usually a high price for the domestic market, where space is more limited. High efficiency does not necessarily mean better quality or reliability, however – these topics are coveredlater. Not even a higher return means better value, in many cases, lower efficiency panels are used for convenient use in places where space is not as critical.

First of all, how to find the efficiency of a solar cell? It's easy to find out for yourself. Remember that the power of a form of solar energy to visit, where is "standard test conditions." This means that the output is measured when the plate is exposed to a very bright lightwith an intensity of 1000 watts per square meter (1000 W / m2) at a temperature of 25 ° C. This is usually expressed in watts (185W or 230W for example, etc.) and is the power you get when the sun is very strong will. You can then multiply the length and width of the module (which is represented in the data sheet) to access the form. With the power module in watts and the standard test conditions of 1000 W / m 2 to determine the efficiency of the module as follows;

Efficiency = power out / energyin the power module = / (width x length x 1000 W / m2)

to know in evaluating the efficiency solar important that each solar cell with efficiency greater than the total solar panel (or module) through a vacuum. Therefore, make sure you know what value you are looking for.

In general, the solar panels you come across in the UK is silicon (I have previously discussed thin film), so that the discussion is made here to focus on these. The highest efficiencysilicon solar cells available today are effective from 17% to 18%. The efficiency of silicon solar cells, increasing the R & D, but the improvements are incremental and slow, because there are a number of fundamental limitations to increase the efficiency of silicon solar cells that any drastic improvements highly unlikely that the average values near future. Maybe I'll describe these restrictions in another article.

The most important factor that you meet with a yield of the module, is whetherThe form is mono-or multi-crystalline. In English, this means that solar cells are easily made from mono-or multi-crystalline silicon. mono-crystalline solar cell consists of a disc from a single crystal silicon are very pure and very efficient from a number of weaknesses. multi-crystalline solar cells, which contain more crystals are about 1-2% less efficient, but are generally cheaper to produce. Personally I think that makes sense in the rule of using mono-crystalline cellsfor domestic applications, where space is at a premium and multi-crystalline cells in larger installations.

Another factor affecting the efficiency can be anti-reflective coatings. These are becoming more common. Nearly all the solar cells directly texturing them to reflect and now reduces many solar modules come with anti-glare glass. This generally consists of a molded glass that can be seen as a model of stain, if you look closely. Improvinganti-reflective coatings is difficult to determine, although some manufacturers require improvement in production efficiency by more than 5 percent.

When you install a solar system is your goal should always be the best return on investment, which means the maximum power at the lowest price, without risk to reliability and depends on many factors to get along with ' efficiency. There are a number of other technologies on the horizon that might be possible to improve the efficiency of small quantitiesnothing is a drastic change overnight. Rising prices for solar panels continue to decrease rapidly the volume of production (in the same way as many other technical products such as computer memory), but these price decreases will be matched by savings in feed. So do not worry that the installation of modern technologies and solar panel replaced by a miracle tomorrow. are working in the field you better insight into what is on the line.

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