Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

by hallxxjordan on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 03:00 AM PST

Portable generators can be extremely valuable to have and can be used in a variety of ways. They are commonly used by homeowners as an emergency backup power source in case of an outage. They come in handy when electrical outlets are not accessible. Portable generators are popular at campsites, outdoor events, and job sites whenever power is needed. Most generators are powered by gasoline and come with 120-volt outlets, similar to what you would find in a home.

How is a portable generator used? Simply take whatever device, appliance, or tools that you want powered and plug them in to the generator after it’s started. Some generators come with 240-volt outlets to suit washing machines and other larger appliances.

Considerations When Buying Portable Generators

The first factor to consider is how much power you will need your portable generator to have. Power is measured in two ways: surge wattage and continuous wattage. Surge wattage, also known as peak power and start up power, is the maximum amount of wattage that a generator has available. This power is used at the start up, or during a time when maximum power is needed to operate an appliance.

On the other hand, continuous wattage refers to how much power output a generator has while operating appliances normally. Surge wattage is only temporary, continuous wattage is what’s used throughout.

The question then is how much wattage will you need to operate what you desire? Do you only want to power tools, or do you want to power your entire home during a power outage? To power most homes on average, a minimum of 5,000 continuous watt generator is necessary to do so.

If you only want a portable generator to take to a campsite, then you can probably get away with one that has around 1000 watts or so. Check each device and appliance you want powered to see how much wattage it requires.

For job sites, you might need a heavy duty generator that has 8000 or more continuous watts. The more watts, the more you can power. However, they are also more expensive as well.

Some generators are more basic, and others have a lot of additional features. These features could include a fuel gauge, hour meter, low oil shutdown, circuit breaker protected outlets, and so on. Some will even come with oil and a funnel to get you started. The more features, the more expensive they will be.

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