Build a Wind Turbine and Save Money Over Ready Made Windmills

by hallxxjordan on วันศุกร์ที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Build a Wind Turbine and Save Money Over Ready Made Windmills

Build a Wind Turbine and Save Money Over Ready Made Windmills

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 07:00 AM PST

It is relatively easy to build a wind turbine, providing some directions are followed. While for most people the thought of building a wind turbine generator could be too much, it should not be the case with a proper plan of action. The reward for the effort will be few $thousands saved over ready made kits and a much lighter electrical bill.

Materials to build a wind turbine can be purchased at a local hardware shop, shipped from a store or even self made. The main components of a windmill are the mast with the rigging, a nacelle to contain the generator, the blades, a bank battery, wire and possibly a DC motor analyzer. The mast can be made of steel pipe rigged up with steel lines and can be set up with the help of a friend. The mast should be positioned above the highest obstacles, however a too tall a mast will increase size and weight exponentially, bringing the costs up.

Several smaller units on shorter masts will deliver the same power output without increasing the costs too much. Should one fail, the others still work. A home made wind turbine could produce between 1000 and 3000 watt, costing between $150 and $250. The generator can be either purchased or delivered, while the blades can be even made in few hours. PVC blades are also available. A three blade design is the most common, not just for professional wind farms, but also for DIY homemade windmills, as this design offers the best compromise between energy efficiency and construction costs. It is also appealing to the eye.

Very important is how to get hold of batteries for the generator battery bank. They can be had for free or a pittance from old fork lift trucks, pulsed back into life and recycled. Batteries from old fork lifts can also be recycled and sold as a stand alone business on top of the money saved from electricity bills. Last but not least, a DC motor analyzer software can help increase the efficiency of the generator for maximum savings. The more wind energy is converted into kinetic energy, the stronger the power output.

Blade yawing and furling are simplified for homemade turbines, they do not require complex hydraulics or be motor assisted. Instead, a simple tail to adjust to wind direction and a spring loaded system to furl the blade in strong gusts is all is needed. A good design should include all the above points to build a wind turbine for home.

If you are looking for a good plan, check out this website. Click on build wind turbine to have step by step instructions that will save you $thousands and cut your electricity bills. Build wind turbine.

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