How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

by hallxxjordan on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 01:40 PM PDT

Solar panels are of many different shapes and sizes but their main purpose is to convert the sun’s rays in order to make electricity. Solar Panels are made of a material called Photovoltaic. Photovoltaic cells are self generating and are of a very thin film made of silver. This thin film is attached to a semiconductor layer that can be found on an iron substrate. The photovoltaic cells ability to produce enough sunlight and heat is very important in order to successfully produce the energy that is needed to heat up water, heat homes and power electricity.

Solar panels are so common and very present in many different products on the market, such as calculators, satellites, and yes even the space shuttle uses solar energy. The effectiveness of these panels ability to redirect the sunlight and use it for electricity is amazing. It all started over a century ago when a man got the bright idea to use the heat from the sun to power his machinery equipment. His concept was simply to use the steam from the hot sun light in order to start and maintain his machines. Sparkle with the excitement of discovery, several scientists did not waste any time traveling to see how this discovery performed. Today, there have been unbelievable products that have increased the convenience and the need to use a natural resource such as the sun in order to power heavy machinery.

How much do solar panels cost largely depends on the shape and size, the brand and the amount of watt power each panel produce. You can expect to pay an average of $5.00 to $15.00 per watt depending on the brand of the panel. A full panel price will vary from $70.00 up to $1,000.00. Panels are installed flat on the roof, each one generating about 200 watts of electricity when the sun is shining on it. The panels are attached next to each other forming an array. A five panels system can generate approximately 1,000 watts of power, which is about 10 to 15 per cent of the consumption of a typical house on an annual basis.

I have come across a great site that has the most amazing home solar power energy system guide to learn how to build your own solar power system. It is a complete step-by-step package for the novice in mind, with fully illustrated manual and videos that will have you building and generating your own electricity for less than $200 in needed material. You can take advantage of the full eight weeks no questions asked, no trouble money back guarantee.

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Building a wind generator – Tips for taking note of the construction of a power of Your House

Posted: 25 Apr 2011 11:40 AM PDT

1000w Generator

There are many ways to build a wind turbine in your home. Not only this will be the most economical long-term solution is a safer and cleaner. Of course it is possible with respect to other renewables, and that would really depend on the location where you want. If there is a small stream with sufficient force of running water, you can also take into consideration until the hydro-powered. For places that are not as windy orwhere is far from a source of running water, you can also check the construction of a solar panel array.

The first thing to consider if you want to build the area, a wind generator is yours. If your area is not so airy, you have the amount of open space that is necessary to consider supply to generate flows of air flow. First choose an area that is free of obstacles over 300 feet in all directions. You would have to put up a tower at least 40 feet highto take a good amount of airflow. The next thing to do is look initiator power of 1000W, the power, at least.

When you shop for ready-made windmills, it is unlikely that cost less than $ 4,000. Some will even be as high as $ 10,000. The cheapest way to do that is to be based on plans on how to assemble simple materials on the Internet. There are a lot of them out there and not have to make that difficult. Those who areprobably less than $ 200 for everything, including the tower, the blades of the fan, the battery of the generator, and a couple of nuts and bolts needed to regroup. At this cost, not only to produce cheap electricity, it will be very long-term savings. This is reason enough to decide, in order to build a wind turbine on your own.

You can also put on a further advantage of, if you have more energy than you produce in your home. There is aoff-grid applications, you can arrange with your local power company to give them the extra electricity that you generate. This is given by the consumer closer to a rate that the company will pay you. This is another reason for wanting to build a wind generator.

In the rare event that something happens, you can also feed into the network to use the stresses from the local sources of energy. This, of course, you must pay. So, withThis setting is really a win-win situation for everyone.

Think of ways to build a wind turbine in your home has never been easier than now with the resources found on the Internet about you. Together with the advantages of owning a home, the suppliers of alternative energy an attractive option.

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