A Solar Panel Can Produce Enough Power For Your Home Electricity Needs

by hallxxjordan on วันพุธที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

A Solar Panel Can Produce Enough Power For Your Home Electricity Needs

A Solar Panel Can Produce Enough Power For Your Home Electricity Needs

Posted: 17 Apr 2011 09:40 PM PDT

In this article, I will list various advantages of a solar panel and later tell you how you can build one yourself at home for a small investment.

Solar panels are being used by millions of homes and small businesses worldwide for various benefits.

Not only do these help you to minimize your dependence on fossil fuels but these are also great for saving money. You can save a lot of money on your monthly electricity bills.

Thousands of homes in the USA have installed homemade solar panels and windmills and claim to save more than 80% on their monthly electricity costs.

A solar panel alone can power your home. A windmill can produce 1000 watt power for your home. Once you have mastered the process of building a solar panel at home yourself, you can build another one as long as there is space on top of your roof to install another one. Most probably there will be a lot of space for that.

A homemade solar panel or windmill is beneficial for many reasons. It can be built with an investment of less than $100 using the detailed DIY (do it yourself) guides easily whereas if you buy one from the market, you will have to spend more than a thousand dollars.

A homemade solar panel can also be customized to your needs and is more efficient. The various parts needed to build one at home are easily available at a nearby hardware store and the DIY guide will tell you everything in detail about that.

You have your responsibilities for the planet. If you use the pollution free solar or wind energy, you are saving the environment for the future generations.

You can build a solar panel and a windmill this month using the detailed DIY – Do It Yourself guides containing the required blueprints, videos, complete tutorials with neat diagrams and detailed instructions.

Download DIY Guides which are Highly Recommended to build solar panel and windmill at home.

Right Now, You can Build a Windmill & Solar Panel at home Without any previous Technical Knowledge. Checkout http://www.HomeEnergyMethods.com for the complete Do-it-yourself or DIY Guides.

Spring is on the Way – Grab You Tent, Fishing Poles and Coleman Portable Generator!

Posted: 16 Apr 2011 07:01 PM PDT

Time to induce moving again, breathe the fresh air, climb hills or mountains. Find a stream, lake, or ocean, throw a line out and hope to reel in that big catch. Since you caught it, let’s cook it. Where do we start? Should we begin to find dry drift wood and begin building a fire to cook over? Do we turn to one of the little propane stoves? If we choose one of these two options where do we make our coffee? Now our GPS device is drained of battery life, so next is our mobile phone. Almost all of this could have been solved had you just made a wise choice in the beginning.

I adore an excellent campfire just as much as the next person, and yet at the same time I also like to be aware of that I am within reach of help if I were required to call someone, or locate my destination and with these devices we need above and beyond fire, we will be required energy source. What a greater way than getting a Coleman portable generator? After all it is “portable” easy to perform, and is particularly so useful. In case you do not go camping very often, it is very nice to obtain an electrical generator to rely on in emergency uses.

Everybody knows that power outages occur a whole lot in the west. The east is known for tornadoes, hurricanes are active in the south and last but not least,ice storms in the north have certainly put lots of people on guard to the significance of being completely prepared. Many more people are in possession of emergency plans and enough food and water to last several days, could actually be foresighted to also consider adding a compact portable generator to your emergency equipment. Perhaps the best popular features is the fact that there are so many different models available including the Coleman Powermate portable generator to the 16,000 watt commercial ones and anything and everything in between, this is good quality and dependability you’d like and can trust in.

All the Coleman Powermate portable generators have between 1000 watt and 5700 Watts output, that is certainly beyond adequate to power your electric appliances, but not quite enough for the stronger power drains, such as central air conditioning. Make sure to check the wattage on the electrical appliances you want to be able to run and add the wattage usage before checking different generators so you have a more certain idea of what you will need.

The main thing to consider is safety measures which should always be followed when installing the Coleman 6250 w portable generator, or any of the other brand name generators. It should never be connected directly to your private home or recreational vehicle; instead, have a transfer switch installation done designed to join up together with your home electrical wiring system. Please reduce the risk of fire by turning your portable gas generators off before attempting to refill them with fuel and you must ensure that you store the gasoline in a cool, well ventilated area in ANSI (American National Standard Institute) accepted containers.

It should go without saying, but Let me be sure you completely understand, never do it inside your house or R.V, this can be extremely dangerous thing to do. This is always recommended to put the Coleman portable generators outside your house or R.V and with good ventilation and dry area to ensure gas emissions do not stay in one area.

Another piece of great generator advice, you don’t need to place the portable generator near the window or other open areas of your home or R.V where fresh air comes inside.

Also you never under and circumstance want to operate the generator when this is wet. Trying it this way will lead you to catastrophe. You should definitely always read the owners handbook that comes with the portable generator. This tends to ensure that you have enough knowledge to understand and operate that machine determined by the model.

Do not ever plug your generator directly into a wall outlet. In case you have the need to hook up your whole home or only some selected electrical appliances, you might have considered trying to ask a qualified electrician to do the task. When plugging certain electrical appliance into the portable power generator it should be used using a heavy-duty power cord.

The size of the portable generator will determine what electrical appliances you can use, the more wattage you have the greater electrical appliances you should take advantage of. You may want to start a check list from the electrical items you think is extremely important for you to have during a power break, determine the amount of wattage each item uses then calculate them together to determine the size for the portable generator you’ll need.


The efficiency of solar panels – should care?

Posted: 15 Apr 2011 02:40 AM PDT

1000w Generator

Solar panels are by far the most expensive element of an installation of solar panels. Understanding of the characteristics that differentiate a good solar panel is not a bad thing so easy. In several installments, I would write a guide to each of the main criteria to look out for. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible, but it is something that many people ask me, so I think it's a good idea to discuss these issues in depth.

First, I like to discuss solar panelEfficiency. This determines how effective a solar panel to convert sunlight into electricity for a given area. The advantage of having a solar cell is the highest return that you get more power from a small area available. For this reason, high efficiency solar panels is usually a high price for the domestic market, where space is more limited. High efficiency does not necessarily mean better quality or reliability, however – these topics are coveredlater. Not even a higher return means better value, in many cases, lower efficiency panels are used for convenient use in places where space is not as critical.

First of all, how to find the efficiency of a solar cell? It's easy to find out for yourself. Remember that the power of a form of solar energy to visit, where is "standard test conditions." This means that the output is measured when the plate is exposed to a very bright lightwith an intensity of 1000 watts per square meter (1000 W / m2) at a temperature of 25 ° C. This is usually expressed in watts (185W or 230W for example, etc.) and is the power you get when the sun is very strong will. You can then multiply the length and width of the module (which is represented in the data sheet) to access the form. With the power module in watts and the standard test conditions of 1000 W / m 2 to determine the efficiency of the module as follows;

Efficiency = power out / energyin the power module = / (width x length x 1000 W / m2)

to know in evaluating the efficiency solar important that each solar cell with efficiency greater than the total solar panel (or module) through a vacuum. Therefore, make sure you know what value you are looking for.

In general, the solar panels you come across in the UK is silicon (I have previously discussed thin film), so that the discussion is made here to focus on these. The highest efficiencysilicon solar cells available today are effective from 17% to 18%. The efficiency of silicon solar cells, increasing R & D, but the improvements are incremental and slow, because there are a number of fundamental limitations to increase the efficiency of silicon solar cells that any drastic improvements highly unlikely that the values average near future. Maybe I'll describe these restrictions in another article.

The most important factor that you meet with a yield of the module, is whetherThe form is mono-or multi-crystalline. In English, this means that solar cells are easily made from mono-or multi-crystalline silicon. mono-crystalline solar cell consists of a disc from a single crystal silicon are very pure and very efficient from a number of weaknesses. multi-crystalline solar cells, which contain more crystals are about 1-2% less efficient, but are generally cheaper to produce. Personally I think that makes sense in the rule of using mono-crystalline cellsfor domestic applications, where space is at a premium and multi-crystalline cells in larger installations.

Another factor affecting the efficiency can be anti-reflective coatings. These are becoming more common. Nearly all the solar cells directly texturing them to reflect and now reduces many solar modules come with anti-glare glass. This generally consists of a molded glass that can be seen as a model of stain, if you look closely. Improvinganti-reflective coatings is difficult to determine, although some manufacturers require improvement in production efficiency by more than 5 percent.

When you install a solar system is your goal should always be the best return on investment, which means more power at the lowest possible price, without compromising the reliability and depends on many factors to get along with efficiency. There are a number of other technologies on the horizon that might be possible to improve the efficiency of small quantitiesnothing is a drastic change overnight. Rising prices for solar panels continue to decrease rapidly the volume of production (in the same way as many other technical products such as computer memory), but these price cuts will be matched by savings in feed. So do not worry that the installation of modern technologies and solar panel replaced by a miracle tomorrow. are working in the field you better insight into what is on the line.

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